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who am i?

Hey! My name is Grace Teresa. I am 18 and a freshman at Hillsdale College. I grew up attending a private Lutheran school in my beautiful home state of Michigan until my family decided to leave the norm behind and travel in my sophomore year of high school! I spent my school years traveling the world with my family and my summers at our cabin in northern Michigan! This unique style of life leaves me plenty of time to focus on doing the things I enjoy. I LOVE singing, reading, being outdoors, visiting new places, being with my friends and family, and most of all: spreading the light of Christ and spending time getting closer to Him! Jesus Christ is my first love and my best friend. My life's mission is to share His love with everyone I can! 

 -Grace :)                                                                                                      

who is the freedom family?

In January of 2021 my family decided we were finally going to do it: sell our house, start homeschooling, and travel the world! Obviously there have been lots of ups and downs since then. Literal mountaintop and valley experiences. However, it is so apparently clear to us that we are following God's will for our lives! This is definitely the right path for us. Now we're the "Freedom Family." Our family's motto is "be you, be free, believe."


We spend all school year traveling. We've been to 50 states, 15 countries, continents, and 45 national parks. Our summers are spent at what used to be our cabin in northern Michigan, but is now our permanent home for when we aren't on the road. We usually travel in Barbie, our suburban, and stay in Airbnbs. 

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